Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol | External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee

Y goblygiadau i Gymru wrth i Brydain adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd | Implications for Wales of Britain exiting the European Union

IOB 43

Ymateb gan Ymateb unigol

Evidence from Individual response


What should be the top priority for Wales in advance of the UK Government triggering Article 50?


1.         The Welsh Government should present for approval to the National Assembly its overall vision of the priority concerns identified for Wales, taking fully into account

a)      The positions developed in Scotland, Northern Ireland and London (especially the City), identifying clearly issues that are regarded as common to the devolved administrations.

b)      The latest information on the EU’s own reform agenda which is still evolving on many of the issues which affect future perspectives of all its member states, including the UK. 


2.                  In developing this work the Welsh Government should indicate urgently the timetable that will permit the Welsh Assembly to exercise its scrutiny responsibilities on this subject in good time in order to influence the UK Government’s overall negotiating stance.  Given that the present intention of the Prime Minister is to maintain her commitment to trigger Article 50 before the end of March 2017, the setting of the internal Welsh Government and Welsh Assembly timetable is now an urgent matter, and should take into account fully the need for the Welsh position to be seen and understood by the Welsh public. 


3.                  The Welsh Government should set out in its presentation to the National Assembly its top priorities which should include those “red lines” it considers vital to the interests of Wales.  The “red lines” should distinguish those strategic policy concerns of direct concern to the future development of Wales and those issues which affect Wales and the United Kingdom as a whole (e.g. to safeguard peace and security, including anti-terrorism and common European arrest warrant measures etc.) 


4.                  It will be essential for the Welsh Assembly and the Welsh Government to explain the steps to be taken to ensure the wide dissemination of its vision and priorities and its proposed negotiating stance to the Welsh public.  This communication effort should include making available to the public the wealth of authoritative information currently in preparation within Welsh Government across the whole range of policy sectors affecting Wales.


s a whole (e.g. to safeguard peace and security, including anti-terrorism and common European arrest warrant measures etc.) 


4.                  It will be essential for the Welsh Assembly and the Welsh Government to explain the steps to be taken to ensure the wide dissemination of its vision and priorities and its proposed negotiating stance to the Welsh public.  This communication effort should include making available to the public the wealth of authoritative information currently in preparation within Welsh Government across the whole range of policy sectors affecting Wales.